The Fifth Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2023, oil on canvas 170cm circumference each

The Fifth Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2023, oil on canvas, 170 cm diameter each


The Fourth Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2015, oil on canvas, 160 cm diameter each


The Third Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2010, oil on canvas, 170 cm diameter each


The Second Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2008, oil on canvas, 150 cm diameter each


The Funeral of Roee Rosen, Seen From His Own Viewpoint, After Being Buried, with the Ground Transparent, 2006, oil on canvas, 120 cm diameter each