Shit Boy Showers (A Suicide), oil on canvas, 120X240cm, 2007

Shit Boy Showers (A Suicide), oil on canvas, 120X240cm, 2007

Psycho Jew Redux, diptych, oil on canvas, 110X160 cm each, 2003

Tommy Bob the Atomic Bomb: Tommy’s New Painting, oil on canvas, 2007

Tommy Bob the Atomic Bomb: Tommy’s New Painting, diptych, oil on canvas, 90X130 cm each2007

(Right to left and top to bottom): Tommy the Atomic Bomb; Gilles the Guillotine; Uzi the Uzi Makes an Onion Soup; Uzi the Uzi on the Way to Grandma, Gouache and crayons on rag, 75X50cm each, 2007


Signposts for “The Rear:” A Grave Here, Edible Philippine Workers and Shit Boy Showers (A Suicide), 2007