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Roee Rosen et al, Kafka for Kids (Sternberg Press and Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2022)
An English-German edition of the full script of the film, with essays by Jean-Pierre Rehm, Fanni Fetzer and Sergio Edelzstein.
Roee Rosen, Lucy is Sick, Work in Progress
Lucy is Sick is a book on illness in the format of coloring pages accompanied by texts. The edition presented here was commissioned by the Steirischer Herbst Festival and contains fragments from the beginning of the book.
Roee Rosen, Desire and Dust (Sternberg Press and Charlottenburg Kunsthal, 2020)
A selection of texts, sketches and storyboards featuring “The Dust Files,” a new text by Paul B. Preciado, and “The Biography of the Object” by Sergei Tret’iakov.
Roee Rosen, Maxim Komar-Myshkin, Vladimir’s Night (Sternberg Press, 2014)
Vengeful Animism, On Maxim Komar-Myshkin’s Vladimir’s Night (PDF); an earlier introductory text published in: Anselm Franke, editor, Animism, Modernity through the Looking Glass (Vienna, Generali Foundation, 2012)
Vladimir’s Night by M. Komar-Myshkin, the poem in Russian (PDF)
Vladimir’s Night by M. Komar-Myshkin, the poem in English (PDF)
Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories (Sternberg Press, 2017), a bilingual, German-English compilation of short texts: artworks fiction, scripts and political essays.
From the book [English only]:
The script of Hilarious (2010)
The script of The Confessions of Roee Rosen (2008)
The Law is Laughing, Fragments Following the War in Gaza (2009)
The narrator tells of his wife’s disappearance and Maurizio Cattelan’s demise, while they were set to preview an art project realized in a Pygmy village in Congo. The story is told by circling letters in texts culled from different sources, from books to news items published as the work was made, and so, the reader encounters two different narratives on each page. A change of the circles’ color indicates a new word.
Justine Frank, Two Excerpts from the novel Sweet Sweat (1931), From: Roee Rosen, Justine Frank, Sweet Sweat (Sternberg Press, 2009)
Joanna Führer-HaSfary, “I’m My Own Grandma, The Past and Present Lives of Justine Frank”
First published in the out-of-print catalogue Justine Frank, A Retrospective (Herzliya Museum, 2003).
Roee Rosen, Live and Die as Eva Braun, 1995 – 1997, full text in English.
Roee Rosen in Conversation with Babak Afrassiabi, PDF published as part of the exhibition Kafka for Kids and the Dust Channel, 1646, The Hague, Netherland, 2022
Ana Tixiero Pinto and Roee Rosem, “You Are Right But I Disagree!” An e-mail exchange on current issues of artistic and curatorial freedom, Springerin, issue 2/2019
Roee Rosen, “Towards the Work Hilarious, Former Cases of Dysfunctional Humor,” Published in:
(Spanish and English), Constelaciones De Lenguaje, a reader edited by Eduardo Thomas to accompany the Injerto section of Ambulante Film Festival in Mexico (2011) .
Roee Rosen, “Less and More Than Two,” in the catalogue Ariela Shavid, ‘Beauty is a Promise of Happiness’ (curated by Lea Dovev, Jerusalem, 1996, The Israel Museum)
Roee Rosen, “Scatology and Other Uncanny Delights, Getting Dirty with Mike Kelley,” first published in Studio Art Magazine, number 51, reprinted in: Ilana Tenenbaum, editor, Video One, Body–Screen–Digitalia (Haifa, Haifa Museums of Art, 2001).
Roee Rosen, “The Visibility and Invisibility of Trauma, Traces of the Holocaust in the Work of Moshe Gershuni and in Israeli Art,” first published in Studio Art Magazine, number 76, 1996. Published in English: Jerusalem Review, number 2 (Tel Aviv, 1998, Ah’shav).